"Understanding is the key to growth,  growth...

... the key to love, and love the key to grace"  ~ Joel the Medium


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A few Reviews:


Very informative, entertaining, beautifully written with clearly a sense of humor. The book is very enjoyable. Definitely recommend to anyone who would like grounded information about creation and spirits. ~mediha13




I was looking for something to help me make since of some things that happened to me on Easter Day. Things I have since been scared to speak of. I found myself in tears within the first 10 min I can tell you why other than I had a overwhelming feeling of acceptance maybe like maybe I wasn’t crazy for knowing what happened to me was real like I wasn’t the only one! Idk I’ve never before experienced...... You sir touched a spot in me ;-] ~FightFlight


Intuitively Refreshing

Loved the audiobook! It was insightfully laid out, as the author described some painful memories, but spoke of them with resilience which he later points out was all part of his path...and after he truly embraces who he is and his gift he provides insight to the other side! ~Karma-Crazy


Very Interesting and Informative

I really enjoyed this story it gave me so much more knowledge about the spirit world that I had no knowledge of. Must-Read!! ~Ebo S


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